Environmental Responsibility and Future Vision

At Intermat Packaging, sustainability, and environmental protection principles are at the core of our operations. With our recycling and solvent recovery facility, we fulfill our ecological responsibilities while providing our customers with high-quality and eco-friendly packaging solutions. Our goal is to meet today’s needs and leave a livable world for future generations.

Our Recycling Lines

We actively utilize our recycling lines in our production processes to ensure efficient resource use and minimize waste. These lines involve the collection and reprocessing of specific film waste. By doing so, we enable the reuse of waste materials and minimize our environmental impact. Our recycling lines operate by circular economy principles, representing a crucial step towards a sustainable future.

Our Solvent Recovery Facility

The recovery of solvents used in our production processes is another significant aspect of our environmental protection efforts. Our solvent recovery facility involves collecting, purifying, and reusing solvents used during production. This system contributes to the conservation of natural resources and reduces waste and harmful emissions. As part of our sustainable production methods, our solvent recovery facility enhances our environmental sensitivity and resource efficiency.